

The historic Punbrugge (“brugge” = bridge) dates from the 18th century. It is one of the most beautiful wood-covered bridges in Austria. The Punbrugge is the eponym of the Brückenwirt.



The historic Punbrugge (= bridge in the near area of the castle) gives the Brückenwirt its name. It borders directly our garden.


Schneemann im Garten

Snowman in our garden. The kids of our guests made it yesterday.


im Vordergrund liegt die Punbrugge, eine historische Brücke über den Villgrater Bach. Darüber am Berg die Burg Heinfels.

The Brückenwirt owes its name to the historic Punbrugge. “brugge” = Brücke = bridge “wirt” = guesthouse In 1548, the Punbrugge was mentioned for the first time in a documentary, …

Spinning wheel – an old piece of grandmother

altes Spinnrad im Stiegenhaus

With this spinning wheel the grandmother still spun the wool for the socks and sweaters of the family. The ancestors of the Brückenwirt were peasants. The peasants kept sheep and …